Latin Expressions in Three Conversations

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Latin Expressions in Three Conversations

October 20, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Celebrating international authors and discovering writers from different cultures is one of the many highlights of the Festival, and this year, we delve into works from Latin American writers. Each offers fascinating, heady insight into the lives of women. Carmen Boullosa is one of Mexico’s leading novelists, poets, and playwrights. The Book of Eve tells the story of the original woman—and the fall of man—from her perspective. Helen Cova was born and raised in Venezuela and now resides in Iceland. Autosarcophagy – To Eat Oneself fearlessly delves into child mistreatment, motherhood, and anxiety in precise short stories. Beatriz Hausner, who, as a teenager, moved to Canada from Chile, reawakens the legacy of a fourth-century Byzantine mathematician and philosopher who, against convention, is also a woman in She Who Lies Above. Hosted by Carmen Rodríguez.

Date: Friday, October 20
Time: 6:00 pm
Venue: The Revue Stage ( 1601 Johnston St, Vancouver)



About the writers:

CARMEN BOULLOSA is one of Mexico’s leading novelists, poets, and playwrights. She has published over a dozen novels, three of which have been published by Deep Vellum in English translation. Boullosa has received numerous prizes and honors, including a Guggenheim fellowship. Also a poet, playwright, essayist, and cultural critic, Boullosa is a Distinguished Lecturer at City College of New York, and her books have been translated into Italian, Dutch, German, French, Portuguese, Chinese, and Russian. Other novels translated into English include Before (tr. Peter Bush, Deep Vellum, 2016), Heavens On Earth (tr. Shelby Vincent, Deep Vellum, 2017) and The Book of Anna (tr. Samantha Schnee, Coffee House Press, 2020).


HELEN COVA is a Venezuelan writer in Iceland. Author of Autosarcophagy: To Eat Oneself and the Snulli series, her work has been published in journals including Ós – The Journal, Timarít mál og menningar, Skáldreki and The Polaris trilogy, an anthology meant to arrive on a NASA flight at the Moon’s South Pole.


BEATRIZ HAUSNER was born in Chile and immigrated to Canada when she was a teenager. She has published many books, Enter the Raccoon and Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart. Her work has been translated into several languages, including her native Spanish, French, Dutch, and Greek. She was a founding publisher of Quattro Books. Hausner lives in Toronto.


CARMEN RODRÍGUEZ is a bilingual (Spanish and English), Chilean-Canadian writer and educator. She is the author of Guerra Prolongada/Protracted War, a volume of poetry; De cuerpo entero/and a body to remember with, a collection of short stories; and the novels Retribution and Atacama. Rodríguez lives in Vancouver.



In partnership with the Writers Fest





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